BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION #TRADERS Traderdeskhelp.com 👈 AMERICA SELF CREATIVE EXECUTIVE, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT & MANAGEMENT EXPERT, REAL ESTATE GURU, MOTIVATIONAL & INSPIRATIONAL SPEAKER, AUTHOR, FASHION & BRAND REPRESENTATIVE, PRETTY BEAUTY INFLUENCER, START-UP & GROWTH INFLUENCER & INVESTOR, MEDIA & INTERNET PERSONALITY, SOCIAL GOOD ACTIVIST, HUMANITARIAN, PHILANTHROPY, MULTIMILLIONAIRE, TRADER & ENTREPRENEUR All great entrepreneurs have a big vision of where they want to go and how they plan to get there. They can inspire people to follow them and reach for that goal. She founded The Corcoran Group , a real estate brokerage in New York City, which she sold to NRT for $66 million in 2001 and shortly thereafter exited the company. One of the show's original "Shark" investors, Corcoran has appeared in all 12 seasons of ABC 's Shark Tank to date. As of Fe...